(слишком старое сообщение для ответа)
2005-04-24 22:18:42 UTC
кто\нибудь сей релиз уже пощупать успел? точнее это box из 3cd 1 dvd.
Pavel Nedrigailov
2005-04-27 19:56:22 UTC
Hi, mongol!

m> кто\нибудь сей релиз уже пощупать успел? точнее это box из 3cd 1 dvd.

Что это? Что-то вроде Unnatural History IV?
Т.е. к Coil отношение имеет?

Good Luck /np: Infected Mushroom [BP Empire, 2001] Dancing With Kadafi/
Dmitriy Chabanenko
2005-04-28 08:34:30 UTC
Thu Apr 28 2005 00:56, Pavel Nedrigailov wrote to mongol:

m>> кто\нибудь сей релиз уже пощупать успел? точнее это box из 3cd 1 dvd.
PN> Что это? Что-то вроде Unnatural History IV?
PN> Т.е. к Coil отношение имеет?

К Coil имеет непосредственное, а к сборникам UH - нет. Это они на АНСе наваяли
за неск. дней во время пребывания в Москве. Вот, всё подробно, отсюда:
Я не щупал/не слышал.

ANS (box)

Tracks disc a
untitled - [MP3]

disc b
untitled - [MP3]

disc c
untitled - [MP3]


Personnel John Balance
Peter Christopherson
Ivan Pavlov

Label Threshold House
Country UK
Catalogue unknown
Format 3xCD/1xDVD
Date September 2004
Status Available
Edition unknown
Notes First mail order edition comes with limited edition prints.

At first listen, COILANS seems like Exhibit A for the sort of experimental
audio that functions as more of an intellectual or conceptual pleasure, rather
than the sort of viscerally satisfying music I've come to expect from Coil. It
clocks in at well over four hours of entirely unstructured, rhythm-less
high-frequency sine-waves and subtly shifting AC hum. Tracks have no beginning
or end, no point-counterpoint or resolution, and no tonal consistency. This
new three-disc set also includes a DVD of synchronized digital animations for
four of the tracks. It's a reissue and expansion of ANS, a limited edition,
tour-only CD released last year, minimally packaged in an unmarked black
plastic clamshell. This new boxed set comes in a beautiful foldout cardboard
package (identical to the recent reissue of Nurse With Wound's Soliloquy for
Lilith) decorated with pictures of the disused ANS machine itself, sitting
neglected in a basement room of the Moscow State University, rarely used and
in dire need of a radical overhaul. It was built in 1958 by Evgeny Murzin, who
set out to create a synthesizer capable of producing the full range of audible
frequency via a unique photoelectric process. The composer inscribes his
visual "score" onto a glass plate covered with sticky black mastic, slides it
through the machine, which reads the inscribed plate and converts the etchings
into sound produced by a system of 800 oscillators. In the liner notes, which
provide further technical information about the machine, Coil acknowledge that
it takes a lot of practice and skill for the user to relate the marks on the
plate to the resultant sounds. Soviet composer Alfred Schnittke (whose name is
misspelled in the notes) spent an entire year of intensive work with the
machine to produce his one and only piece of electronic music entitled "Flow."
However, Coil spent only a few days with the ANS, so by their own admission,
the sounds on these three discs cannot be described as "compositions" in any
sense. Instead, the sounds represent an accidental interpretation of Coil's
visual art into audible electricity. As such, it is pointless to assess the
musical merit of any of these pieces. The soundpieces in the set are the work
of various solo and group alignments of Jhonn Balance, Peter Christopherson,
Ossian Brown, Thighpaulsandra and Ivan Pavlov of COH. The notes do not
identify which track features which personnel, either because they can't
remember or they think it doesn't matter. The CD wallets (and the prints
included with the first edition of the set) feature some of the line drawings
that were used to make these pieces, but once again, the listener is given no
indication which drawings produced which sounds. The drawings operate as
Spare-style magical talismans, where occult symbols and "alphabet of desire"
glyphs representing words or phrases (such as the tautological "IT JUST IS" on
the back of disc B) exist as arcane sigillizations. But the ANS is able to
take these occult strategies a step beyond the usual, by transforming them
into an entirely exotic lexicon of ghostly electric frequencies. This relation
of visual image to sound had the effect of a strange form of synaesthesia on
me as I waded through these four discs of unprocessed analog tones; I began to
form novel mental connections between sound and vision, thoughts and symbols.
Halfway through the third disc I had become like Nikola Tesla, obsessively
listening to electronic signals trying to pick out messages he was certain
were being transmitted by extraterrestrials. Is it possible for the mind to
subconsciously decode this esoteric system of pulsations, throbs, clicks and
whirrs? It's impossible to say with any certainty, but the mere suggestion
that it might be so makes the sound entirely compelling. At first glance, the
DVD animations seemed no more inventive than WinAmp visuals, but I soon
noticed the subtle psychedelic abstractions present in each perfectly
synchronized schema. By the end of my COILANS adventure, I was tuned into a
heretofore unexplored magickal current, a current that sparks and buzzes with
vibrations of the manifest spirit. Electricity has truly made angels of us
- Jonathan Dean

© 1996-2005 Brainwashed

Best regards, Dmitriy.
